
Materi dan Latihan Soal Present Continuous Tense

Materi dan Latihan Soal I am doing (Present Continuous Tense).
Pola dari present continuous tense adalah:

S + to be + Ving

Present continuous tense digunakan menyatakan sebuah aksi yang sedang berlangsung dalam waktu tertentu pada waktu sekarang. Bentuk tense ini memberitahukan bahwa aksi tersebut terjadi sebelum, dan berjalan selama sekarang, dan berlanjut setelahnya.

Berikut pattern dari penggunaan Present Continuous Tense.





I’m working.



Ahmad is writing a letter.


She isn’t eating.


The phone is ringing. (It’s ringing)



We’re having lunch.


You aren’t listening to me. 


They are doing their homework together.

The present continuous tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi sekarang.

  • Adam is working. (Menyatakan bahwa Adam sedang bekerja sekarang)

  • Hawa is wearing hat. (Menyatakan bahwa saat ini Hawa sedang memakai topi)

  • The children are playing in the park. (Menyatakan bahwa Anak-anak sedang bermain di taman)


  1. Use the words to complete the sentences.

eat have lie play sit wait

  1. She’s eating an apple.

  2. He … for a bus.

  3. They … football.

  4. He … on the floor.

  5. They … dinner.

  6. She … on the chair.

  1. Complete the sentence. Use one of the verbs:

Build cook go have stand stay swim work

  1. Please be quite. I’m working.

  2. “Where is Aisyah?” “She is in the kitchen.” “ She …”

  3. “You … on my foot”. “Oh, I’m sorry”.

  4. Look! Somebody … in the river.

  5. We’re on holiday. We .... at Jayakarta Hotel.

  6. “Where is Adam?” “He …. Shower”.

  7. They .... a new theatre in the city.

  8. I … now. Good bye.

  1. Make a sentence.

  1. (have dinner) I’am having dinner.

  2. (watch television) …

  3. (sit on the floor) …

  4. (read a book) …

  5. (play the piano) …

  6. (eat burger) ...

  7. (write a letter) …

  8. (listen to music) …

  9. (wear shoes) …

  10. (learn english) …

  11. (read a newspaper) ...

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