
Latihan Soal Countable and Uncountable Noun

Latihan Soal Countable and Uncountable Noun. Buat kalian yang masih kesulitan membedakan mana sih kata benda yang bisa dihitung (countable noun) dan mana kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun), yuk kita belajar latihan soal terkait countable dan uncountable noun.

Sebelum kita latihan soal tentang materi countable dan uncountable noun, ada baiknya belajar lebih dahulu materi countable dan uncountable noun untuk kalian yang masih perlu mendalami materi ini. Cek materinya di sini ya.

Jika sudah siap untuk belajar latihan soalnya, silakan dicoba ya latihan soal di bawah ini. Kalian juga bisa download soal dan kunci jawabannya di bagian paling bawah artikel ini.

  1. Please choose whether the word below is countable (C) or uncountable (UC).

  1. Water (C/UC)

  2. Sand (C/UC)

  3. Lemons (C/UC)

  4. Rice (C/UC)

  5. Book (C/UC)

  6. Snow (C/UC)

  7. Traffic (C/UC)

  8. Bird (C/UC)

  9. Intelligence (C/UC)

  10. Hair (C/UC)

  11. City (C/UC)

  12. Homework (C/UC)

  13. Parrot (C/UC)

  14. Oil (C/UC)

  15. Tree (C/UC)

  1. Choose the best option from the sentence below.

  1. Mathematics (IS/ARE) my favourite subject

  2. Wood (COME/COMES) from trees.

  3. Her advice (WAS/WERE) useful.

  4. The news (IS/ARE) being broadcast by all TV stations.

  5. Your furniture (IS/ARE) so tasteful.

  6. Butter (CONTAIN/CONTAINS a lot of fat.

  7. Your hair (IS/ARE) so shiny.

  8. Japanese (IS/ARE) difficult to learn

  9. Dali's works (IS/ARE) on display in Madrid.

  10. The peoples of Europe (IS/ARE) hoping for a change.

  11. This company (HAVE/HAS) six branches all over Europe.

  12. That jewellery really (SUIT/SUITS) you.

  13. Your scales (IS/ARE) not very accurate.

  14. Measles (IS/ARE) highly infectious.

  15. The staircase (IS/ARE) too steep for my grandmother to climb.

  16. Flu (MAKE/MAKES) you feel miserable.

  17. A loaf of bread (COST/COSTS) more now than it did ten years ago.

  18. My favourite pyjamas (IS/ARE) the ones with the red stripes.

  19. Gravity (PULL/PULLS) things towards the earth.

  20. Your trousers (GO/GOES) nicely with your shirt.

  1. Choose the best answer from the sentence below.

  1. I'd like some more ___ on this product.

  2. Is there ___ pollution in your country?

  3. I don't have any ___ with me.

  4. There is always heavy ___ in the morning.

  5. How ___ people do you live with?

  1. Can I borrow ___ money?

  2. We didn't see ___ on the trip.
    much wildlife
    many wildlife

  3. There is ___ snow on the mountain
    a few

  4. The band has written some great ___.

  5. The news ___ important.

  1. Look at the underlined parts of these sentences, which one is right? Scratch the wrong one.


  • Camilla was very helpful. She gave me some good advice / advices. (‘advice’ is right)

  1. Lina has got very long black hair / hairs.

  2. They had a very good weather / very good weather when they were on holiday.

  3. Sorry I am late. I had trouble / troubles with the motorcycle this afternoon.

  4. She wants something to read. She is going to buy a / some paper.

  5. My brother wants to write some letters. He needs a / some writing paper.

  6. It is very difficult to find a work / job at this time.

  7. Bad news don’t / doesn’t make people happy.

  8. Their travel / journey from Paris to Oslo by train was very interesting.

  9. The flat is empty. They have not got any furnitures / furniture yet.

  10. When the fire alarm rang in a building, there was a complete chaos / complete chaos.

  11. My mother had to buy a / some bread because she wanted to make some sandwiches.

  12. After spending most of her life travelling round the world, she is now writing a book about his experience / experiences.

  1. What are these things? Try and find out if you don’t know.


  • An ant? It is an insect.

  • Ants? Bees? They are insects.

  1. A cauliflower? It is ……………………………… .

  2. A pigeon? It ………………………………………. .

  3. A dandelion? …………………………………….. .

  4. A skyscraper? ………………………………………. .

  5. Earth? Mars? Venus? Jupiter? They ……………………………………………. .

  6. The Rhine? The Nile? The Mississippi? ……………………………………………….. . And who are / were these people?


Beethoven? He was a composer.

Beethoven? Bach? They were composers.

  1. Christiano Ronaldo? He is ……………………………………….

  2. Leonardo Da Vinci? He ………………………………

  3. Einstein? ………………………………………

  4. Jackie Chan? ………………………………….

  5. Barrack Obama? Joko Widodo? ………………………………………

  6. Ariana Grande? John Legend? ………………………………..

  1. Now you have to put in a / an or some or leave a space (without a word: – ).


  • I have seen some good films recently.

  • Have you got a headache?

  • Are most of your friends – students?

  1. Have you got …………………… camera?

  2. Would you like to be …………………… actor?

  3. Bill has got ………………… big feet.

  4. Do you collect ……………………… stamps?

  5. Tommy always gives Jessica ……………………… gift on her birthday.

  6. Those are ………………………… really nice trousers. Where did you get them?

  7. What ………………… beautiful garden!

  8. What ………………….. adorable child!

  9. ………………………….. birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.

  10. Jack has got …………………. very long legs, so he is …………………………… fast runner.

  11. You need …………………….. visa to visit …………………….. foreign countries, but not all of them.

  12. I am going shopping. I am going to get …………………….. new clothes.

  13. Jane is ……………………… teacher. Her parents were ……………………….. teachers too.

  14. When we reached the city centre, ………………………… shops were still open but most of them were already closed.

  15. Do you enjoy going to ………………….. concerts?

  16. When I was ……………………… child, I used to be very shy.


Kunci Jawaban:

  1. UC

  2. UC

  3. C

  4. UC

  5. C

  6. UC

  7. UC

  8. C

  9. UC

  10. UC

  11. C

  12. UC

  13. C

  14. UC

  15. C

  1. Is

  2. Comes

  3. Was

  4. Is

  5. Is

  6. Contains

  7. Is

  8. Is

  9. Are

  10. Are

  11. Has

  12. Suits

  13. Are

  14. Are

  15. Is

  16. Makes

  17. Costs

  18. Are

  19. Pulls

  20. Go 

  21. Information

  22. Much

  23. Baggage

  24. Traffic

  25. Many

  26. Some

  27. Much wildlife

  28. No

  29. Music

  30. Looks 

  1. Information

  2. Much

  3. Baggage

  4. Traffic

  5. Many

  6. Some

  7. Much wildlife

  8. No

  9. Music

  10. Looks

  1. Hair

  2. Very good weather

  3. Trouble

  4. Some paper

  5. A writing paper

  6. Job

  7. Doesn’t

  8. Journey

  9. Furniture

  10. Complete chaos

  11. Some bread

  12. Experience

  1. It is a vegetable.

  2. It is a bird.

  3. It is a flower.

  4. It is a building.

  5. They are planets.

  6. They are rivers.

  7. He is a football player.

  8. He was an artist.

  9. He was a scientist.

  10. He is an actor.

  11. They are presidents.

  12. They are singers.

  1. A

  2. An

  3. Some

  4. A

  5. A

  6. An

  7. Some

  8. – , a

  9. A, some

  10. Some

  11. A, –

  12. Some

  13. A

Berikut latihan soal dan kunci jawaban tentang countable dan uncountable noun. Mudah-mudahan bisa membantu kalian dalam belajar bahasa Inggris ya. Sobat blog giri-widodo juga bisa download latihan soal dan kunci jawaban dari soal-soal di atas di file berikut ini:

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